Birth Bliss Midwifery

Heather Hilton Johnson, LM, CPM

  • (210) 370-7727



  • birthblissmidwifery

  • @birthblissmidwifery


I’ve been drawn to the miracle of childbirth from a young age, however it was my time working in standardized medical settings, and my own hospital birth experience that made me realize there had to be a better way. The clinical maternity care model lacked empathy, compassion and agency for mothers. Surely we could do better.

In 2008, when I became pregnant with my second child, I decided not only to hire a midwife for my home birth, but also to become one myself! I enrolled in midwifery school while serving as a doula, where I discovered a true passion for the power of holistic care and gentle birth.

In 2012 I volunteered abroad at a high-volume birth center in Haiti, hoping to make a difference. While there, I learned so much about both assisting with childbirth and the strength of the human spirit. Upon returning, I became both a Licensed Midwife and Certified Professional Midwife. Shortly thereafter, I opened my own home birth practice, and served as a trusted guide for mothers in my community over the next decade.

During this time, It has been my immense privilege to be able to create a space tailored to each family’s wishes rather than clinical dicates. I have walked along side hundreds of women during their pregnancy journey, and am proud to call myself a midwife. Being invited into this sacred and intimate moment as new life comes into the world has truly been one of the greatest joys of my life.

In 2022, my own family embarked on a new chapter, relocating to San Antonio, Texas where I’ve now launched Birth Bliss Midwifery. With 15 years of natural birth experience, I feel grateful to continue supporting women’s home birth journeys here.

If you desire an empowered home birth with compassionate care, please reach out! I would be honored to learn your vision and to journey alongside you each step of the way.


Professional Certifications/Licenses:

  • 2012-Current Certified Professional Midwife (CPM), The North American Registry of Midwives
  • 2013-Current Licensed Midwife (LM), State of Texas
  • 2008-Current Neonatal Resuscitation Certified (NRP), American Academy of Pediatrics
  • 2008-Current Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Providers Certified, American Heart Association

Professional Memberships:

  • Vice President of San Antonio Area Midwives Association
  • Member of the Midwives Alliance of North America

Services Offered

Prenatal Care

  • Early gender testing available

Labor and Birth Care

  • Home birth
  • VBAC
  • Water birth

Postpartum Care and Newborn Support

Placenta Encapsulation