Nurturing Dawn Birth Services

Aubrey Gann, Doula, Birth Photographer, Childbirth Educator, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

  • (832) 814-9394



  • nurturingdawndoula

  • @nurturingdawnbirthservices


Some may call me a type A, control freak. Even being pregnant with my firstborn, I wanted all the details of my perinatal journey planned out. The birth photographer was booked in the first trimester, the nursery was done before 20 weeks, hospital bags were packed at 24 weeks, nurse gifts were made, we took all the classes our hospital offered, and I had an entire “birth binder” ready to go with resources for my birth experience. My expectations for my pregnancy came to a grinding halt when we found out my daughter would be born with a cleft lip and palate. I quickly learned just how little control I had over, well, motherhood in general. This taught me that, yes, so much is out of our control when it comes to pregnancy and beyond, but there are also so many things we can take responsibility for — especially our birth team and how we prepare for birth and postpartum! Doula support and birth photography is more than just a job, it’s a passion-driven career. That’s why I chose a career where I can support families who aren’t content settling for the status quo and want to take back autonomy of their perinatal care and birth.

I believe that my own birth experiences each taught me something unique that helps me better support the families I serve.

  • My first birth taught me the importance of informed decision making and finding the right provider
  • My second birth taught me how the right birth team could make all the difference
  • My third birth taught me to surrender to my baby and body

Services Offered

Birth Support

Postpartum Support

Birth Photography

Childbirth Education

Placenta Services